Sacrifice-for-Drogo Pregnant Daenerys

Sacrifice-for-Drogo Pregnant Daenerys - Sasha's Custom Figures
Sacrifice-for-Drogo Pregnant Daenerys - Sasha's Custom Figures
Sacrifice-for-Drogo Pregnant Daenerys - Sasha's Custom Figures
Sacrifice-for-Drogo Pregnant Daenerys - Sasha's Custom Figures

Game of Thrones

  • 1.9 "Baelor"
  • Dany asks the Lamb People's witch to save Drogo's life with blood magic, but the witch has her own agenda

Recipe - Thanks for the Parts!

  • Daenerys head (Dark Horse)
  • BSG Six figure and Heroes Niki boots (NECA Toys)

Sculpt - Halloween Special, October 2020

  • Smoothed over arm joints and built up torso to look like Dany
  • Sculpted hair, top, skirt, belt, pregnancy apron, and stand


  • Front, side, and back views (above)
  • Front view
  • Reference, parts, and unpainted sculpt
Reference, Parts, and Unpainted Sculpt