My Colleagues Customs

About My Colleagues Customs

I make custom figures of my friends, to give to them as gifts. These are some that I made for my colleagues at the two offices where I do contract work.

APS - Technology Team

APS Richard APS Godric APS Ben APS Mark APS Sasha APS James APS Vicki APS Paul APS Frosty APS Dan APS Cos APS Darren (Christmas-Chainsaw-Massacre)

TLC - IT Team

TLC Rachel TLC Jo TLC James TLC Rob TLC Kelly TLC Sasha TLC Maggie TLC Plant Joe TLC Janice TLC Conor TLC Maryam TLC Mo TLC Kay TLC Jim (Midget-Tossing)

Example Custom Tableau

TLC - Janice, Sasha, James, and Rachel


^ Top | Previous: Mardi-Gras-2000 Margit | Next: APS Richard