John's Custom Collection

John lives in the USA. He has been collecting my custom figures since 2018.

John's Collection Gallery

Only click on a thumbnail image if you want more information on a particular custom. Clicking jumps you away from this section, to the main page for the selected custom (by TV show or movie, and so on).

Game of Thrones - Season 1-4

Sold-to-the-Dothraki Daenerys Targaryen Setting-Out-on-the-Silver Khaleesi Daenerys Birth-and-Rebirth Dragon Eggs and Daenerys *Light Up* Meereen Daenerys

Game of Thrones - Seasons 5-8

Walking-through-Fire-at-the-Dosh-Khaleen Daenerys Arriving-Home-to-Dragonstone Daenerys Stormborn Dragonstone Daenerys Arriving-at-Winterfell Daenerys

The 100

The-100 Red Queen Octavia

Halloween Special customs.


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